Simplify your feature management and supercharge your app! Be among the first to experience effortless control with real-time feature management and experimentation.
🚀 Deploy faster and safer with Gates.
Simple SDKs for your favorite languages and frameworks
1import { Gates } from "@withgates/node";
3const gates = new Gates(process.env.GATE_PUBLIC_KEY!, {});
5// initialize the SDK
6await gates.init();
8// Check if feature is enabled
9if (gates.isEnabled('feature_name')) {
10 // Feature is enabled
13// Check if user is in experiment
14if (gates.isInExperiment('experiment_name')) {
15 // User is in experiment
We present features to help you control, experiment, and deploy with confidence. Your modern development workflow starts here with Gates.
Toggle features on/off across environments.
Run experiments with confidence. Measure impact with built-in analytics and statistical rigor.
Release features gradually to your users. Roll back instantly if something goes wrong.
Separate configurations for development, staging, and production environments.
Work together with role-based access control and audit logs for every change.
Native SDKs for popular languages and frameworks. Easy integration with your stack.
Join our beta program and be among the first to experience Gates.
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